эксклюзивные дома из дерева

Elite Houses From A Tree

Exclusive wooden house - not only is your pride, a sign of high social status, but also health and longevity.

I think it's in a wooden house! People living permanently in cuts note that their thinking has increased significantly, they have become " generating " new ideas, looking for and finding solutions to different life situations. Any wise person, especially a businessman or a responsible person, understands how important it is.

Why is this happening? It's about the special properties of softwood. In addition to the large number of health-friendly substances and resin, the woods of the soft breed have a great energy, " feeding " a person throughout his life.

That's why the cut isn't just easy to breathe and sleep sweetly, but it's an amazing deep and infiltrated thought! This is happening against the backdrop of good feeling and moods that are provided again by the tree.

Choice of wood for the future home

Our company is offering you. build a house. from various woods: pine, leaflet, kernel.

House from pine

Cedar house

1_big.jpgCedre is believed to be a wood-farmacet, and not only to be used for cedar nuts, kernel oil, resin-little, hamsters (which can be used as medicinals with a miracle effect).

Above all, the caedre tree itself has an excellent value that has long been known by the human being and used for curative purposes. The kedra world is a world of magic and mystery. This is more relevant to the unusual energy of the kernel.

That's what it says in the Cedre books, even in a little bit of "living life energy" kernels more than all the man-made power plants on Earth together. And that's true. ♪ ♪

The Kazaki who came for Ural was a cadre of the " Siberian giant " , and the Tobol peasants were a " dead tree " . For the people of Gorno Shoria, he was a " tree-court " and a " tree-mouth " , he is now the king of mystery, a miracle tree, a patriarchal of the northern forests. ♪ ♪

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