Construction Of Chiboxara Houses
This material will be of particular interest to our readers who may have difficulties in construction with groundwaters, for example, their future home will have to be built on very weak soils (orphs), very wet soils, near water bodies, and on slopes, on soils with heterogeneity.
The backbone for the country house consists of separate sways linked to the stack, which can be performed either in the form of iron-betted stoves or tapes, or in the form of a sweller or a double-tracker, but in the case of an iron-bed or tape, wooden houses Lower house tying can also serve as a booster.
Swai may be wooden, concrete, iron, asbestos, steel or combined.
Village swai is the shortest, although under certain conditions it may be simple and very long. For example, the oak swai under the Laytenant Schmidt bridge in the SPBs are not being replaced by reconstruction. The longest ones are ironbed.
Swai can be installed in two ways. In the first case, prepared swai from metal or asbestos cement pipes shall be used, which shall be filled or applied to the ground. The second swai is manufactured directly into the ground: 200-300mm boreholes are drilled, vertical armatur is inserted and concrete is poured.
The depth of the laying of the basements depends on the depth of the dense ground. The required length shall be calculated on the basis of the properties of the ground derived from engineering geological surveys or groundwater tests or when the installation of ready-to-shelf swaves (e.g. crushing force or torque). Normally the length does not exceed 2.5 to 6 m.
Depending on the properties of the underneath ends, two types of swai, swai and swai differ.
The swai-stages are based on solid ground. Houses built on these junctions almost fail to land.
Swai is described as lashes if the depth of the dense soil exceeds the length of the swai. I mean, all the swai are completely loaded into the squeezed ground and transfer the load mainly through friction between them and the ground.
From the rifle
The vintage is a steel tube with a vintage of a certain configuration.
For the foundation of the swai covered by anti-corrosive composition, the ground shall be loaded with at least 1, 5 m deep, in accordance with the basement field plan, the inside of the vault shall be filled with concrete.
In our country, the rifle swaps of this design were developed in the 1960s to be used as fast-moving bridges and high voltage lines.
In recent years, the foundations of the vintage beds have gained increasing recognition in the area of small-sized suburban housing.