Covered Houses
If you honor Russian architectural traditions, pay attention to the slaughter of the house from the womb. In modern reading, this is a convenient and comfortable home, in which the experience of the Slavic juices and modern construction technologies are organically combined.
Why is demand for negligent houses showing steady growth?
House projects from the brev are popular with our customers for the simple reason that their cattle builds up modern thinking about comfortable urban housing. These are some of their main advantages:
- Low heating. Let's take a good example. If I can imagine that the wall thickness wooden house from the brev - 10 cm (of course the figure is conditional), its thermal conductivity is the same as the brick lining is half-metre thick. Thus, the rubber house is five times greater than the thermal insulation characteristics of the botttage built by the usual " cellular " technologies.
- Natural air exchange. The air in the slaughterhouse is updated by at least 20 per cent per day. Modern ventilation and conditioning systems are not taken into account. Thus, the building from the wood can be significantly saved by the installation of expensive climatic equipment. The optimum temperature and the humidity of the indoors are maintained naturally.
- Estetic. It's about both facade and internal separation. Houses usually do not require additional processing because they look dignified without them, and this is a good way to save for repair costs.
- Simple and convenience. The construction of a barbed house does not require enormous temporary and labour costs, as the site is essentially equipped with a ready-to-house built in the factory. The perfect cylindrical form of brava, which has been placed up to a millimetre of paza and chashes, has greatly facilitated installation work.