Projects From Probe
Main statue of Bani guerrilla
Wood is a classic bathing device. It is environmentally sound and highly operational. Projects from profiled bruises are now very popular. The material allows for the acceleration of construction time while preserving all the positive quality of natural wood. Cedre is involved in the construction of a ban from a prorated core. Our specialists will build a building professionally, qualitatively and quickly.
What constitutes material
The profiled bruis is produced from a whole tree. The brev is subjected to a quadripartite tarp with a view to making it square. The brush is then profiled according to standard tyrometers. As a result, material is produced that is fully ready to build a bath or other building.
Basic benefits
Long-term service. Brew banis are designed for long-term exploitation. This is due to the fact that the shrimp is tightly attached to another, forming a stable and reliable structure. The virus is not susceptible to landing, so the building is suitable for operation immediately after construction and does not change its geometry during use. On average, such baths are for some 50 years of service.
Quick and comfortable building. This advantage is due to the fact that the profiled brushes have standard sizes and locks of the sip-paz format. The timeline for the construction of the key bath is around a few weeks. They depend mainly on the size of the building and the complexity of the project.
Create an enabling microclimate. Bros is made of 100 per cent of the total pine, leaflet or kedra. In woodbanks, these species show optimum humidity and comfort microclimate. Double trees contain fitoncides that positively affect human immunity and nervous system.
Bun phases
Project selection. This should take into account the size of the building site, as well as its own wishes regarding the design and area of the bath. You can pick up a ready project from our catalogue or order a personal sketch.